January, 1930 The Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) publishes an editorial promoting the sterilization of Canadian citizens on eugenic grounds (Vol. 22, No. 1: pp 91-93). The article partially reviews the book, Sterilization for Human Betterment (1929), by E. S. Gosney,B.S., LL.B., and Paul Popenoe, D.Se., although it also offers insights by the reviewers themselves. This editorial is demonstrative of Canada's role in engaging in eugenic discourse during the eugenics movement.
In support for sterilization, the CMAJ argued that “persons should be sterilized if it to the interest of the race that they produce no children or no more children, and if it appears that sterilization is the most effective and satisfactory means of preventing reproduction" (A.G.N., 1930, p.92). The authors also argued that the positive measures of good breeding should be encouraged alongside sterilization in order to be effective.
Full text of the article can be found here.
-Sheila Gibbons
A.G.N. (1930). Sterilization for Human Betterment. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 22(1), 91-93.