Virginia becomes the first US state to issue a formal apology for sterilization

2002. On the 75th anniversary of US Supreme Court’s Buck v. Bell decision to uphold Virginia’s sterilization law, Virginia’s Governor Mark R. Warner issued a formal apology to the victims of involuntary sterilization, naming the programme a "shameful effort" (as cited in BBC News, 2002, para. 3).

A memorial was also unveiled at the same ceremony to Carrie Buck, the first person sterilized under Virginia's sterilization law in 1924. Virginia was the first state in America to issue an apology, although 30 states conducted sterilization programs. From 1924 to 1979, the state of Virginia allowed for the sterilization of 7000+ individuals deemed to be “unfit.”

-Erna Kurbegovic, and Colette Leung